A Sherlock Carol. Marylebone Theatre. Marylebone Theatre. A Sherlock Carol. Marylebone Theatre. Christmas Eve, 1894. “Moriarty is dead, to begin [...] By John Cutler|2022-11-29T10:49:23+00:0026/11/2022|Categories: Marylebone Theatre.|Tags: Anna Louizos, Ben Caplan, Damian Lynch, Gemma Laurie, John Gromada., Kammy Darweish, Linda Cho, Mark Shanahan, Richard James, Rosie Armstrong, Rui Rita|
The End of the Night. Park Theatre. Park Theatre The End of the Night. Park Theatre. Writer Ben Brown has found something of a [...] By John Cutler|2022-05-18T10:32:47+00:0005/05/2022|Categories: Park Theatre|Tags: Alan Strachan, Audrey Palmer, Ben Brown, Ben Caplan, Michael Lumsden, Olivia Bernstone, Richard Clothier, Tom Brain|